Task Management Software

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Home » Delegating Tasks » Instruction template software - tools to create and distribute instructions in format of text and pictures
Instruction template software - tools to create and distribute instructions in format of text and pictures  

Instruction template software - tools to create and distribute instructions in format of text and pictures


Instruction template is both methodic and instrumental standard through which instructions should be prepared and distributed to people who need instructions to perform certain jobs. In other words instructions template explains how instruction should be represented, written, organized - which instruction format, style, fonts and colours should be used, what level of details is necessary and so on. Instructions template is used to train someone who is new to certain job or to promote professional level of the regular performers. The best instruction format is textual instructions supplemented with pictures to visualize operations, as people simply learn better and faster when they can see what to do. The best way to create, distribute and maintain instruction template is to use electronic means, such as computer instructions tools. These tools will help you to prepare, update and share instructions in appropriate instruction format (textual descriptions of procedures and operations together with pictures), including personalized templates, so instructions template software makes it easy to train people better and faster.

VIP Task Manager is real-time teamwork tool that allows you to plan detailed tasks and attach files to them, keep instruction template library within the project database and to control performance of your workgroup in order to identify project evolution, costs and team efficiency. With a help of this groupware you and your teammates can create and use sequences of shareable tasks as instructions template to see textual descriptions of operations with attached pictures to make instructions visual.
VIP Team To Do List is team management software designed for sending tasks via e-mail. With a help of this product you can create computer instructions templates (organize tasks and task groups, priorities, notes and documents) to send them through e-mail.

To establish collaboration at computer instructions templates do the following:

  • start your project instruction template application
  • use Task Tree or Task List to create instruction template as list of doable operations
  • use Comments and Notes panels to add extended instructions to each operation
  • use Attachments panel to add files - pictures and documents
  • plan timelines and provide performers with instructions
  • control performance in real-time

See also:

 Control the tasks that you delegate

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