Task Management Software

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Home » Doing Tasks » Keep the diary of your activities and monitor your time
Keep the diary of your activities and monitor your time  

Keep the diary of your activities and monitor your time


Sometimes, in the end of working day, we feel tired, as if we have done a lot, but on practice only small part of our plan was done - most of our energy was wasted on some "empty" activities such as waiting for something etc. If you experience this often you must seriously analyze you style of work. If you want to disclose what activities kill your time you can begin conducting diary of your activities. Purpose of such diary is to keep records on every professional and personal activity that you do in order to define how effectively you spend your time. You should honestly record in your diary what you do during working day, when you do this and how much time it takes. Conducting of such diary requires from you certain attention, but it will bring benefits. When you gather enough data you will be able to overview your time and disclose time-wasting activities, distractions, detours and monitor what you're actually doing during your day and what you're not doing.

VIP Task Manager is task and time management software that can work as diary of your activities and will help you to get organized. It allows you to plan your and your team's activities, keep records on your performance, monitor time and make notes regarding your tasks.

To keep records on your activities you should:

  • start you work planning application
  • plan your tasks
  • use attribute "Date Started" to see when task was actually started
  • use attribute "Date Completed" to see when task was actually completed
  • use tracking capabilities to define actual duration of tasks
  • use Start and End dates to define timelines of tasks

See also:

 Make your short term to do list and concentrate your attention exactly on it

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