Task Management Software

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Home » Doing Tasks » Lack of motivation can be the main reason of laziness
Lack of motivation can be the main reason of laziness  

Lack of motivation can be the main reason of laziness


Sometimes we just do not want to do something and such 'laziness' can be caused by different reasons. One of the main reasons is a lack of motivation.  In this case you are not sure why you should do this, why you need this, or, perhaps, you are not so enthusiastic because you do it for somebody else, or you just wait until somebody else will do it for you. To fight against such problem is possible by increasing of your motivation. You need to define and evaluate all 'pro et contra' of a task. Try to find out what benefits you can get during task execution (perhaps you can obtain valuable experience, or you will learn some new important skills and so on) and if this benefits are really important for you. Moreover, task that is not elaborated in details has a very low level of motivation to do it.

VIP Task Manager is a product that is intended for planning/controlling of project team's workflow or/and individual tasks of team members. With a help of VIP Task Manager you can break-down projects and processes into tasks (sequences of tasks), schedule tasks, projects and business processes and control workflow performance which can increase personal and team motivation.
To plan business processes and projects you need:

  1. start your project controlling application
  2. elaborate your work and projects in tasks
  3. create tasks and allocate them within task groups on Task Tree view
  4. assign executers, set timelines and priorities for your tasks

See also:

 Make your short term to do list and concentrate your attention exactly on it

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