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Home » Doing Tasks » Slow down and take timeout
Slow down and take timeout  

Slow down and take timeout


The principles of effective time management are not always about working more in less time. They are also about teaching you how to slow your speed down, take timeout and relieve yourself of the stress and job overload. Taking timeout for yourself during intensive workday is an important part of time management. Even if you are tired but have a lot of jobs to be done in a short time, you should remember that sometimes slowing down could be the best remedy. Mahatma Gandhi said: 'There is more to life than just increasing its speed'. Often people do not understand these words and always try to speed up their performance risking to be stressed. That's because most of the employees think that they can do more jobs now and hence have more time for themselves later. This myth is busted.  When they do not think about relax and timeout, they just get caught in an endless loop of routine work.

To teach yourself to slow your speed down and take timeout, you can use time management software like VIP Task Manager . By using this program, you can plan short breaks and timeouts in workday schedule. Task reminders will help you not to forget about necessity to be relaxed. In Task List view you can prioritize tasks to see the most urgent jobs and find a free minute that can be dedicated to your timeout.

Action plan:

  1. Run VIP Task Manager
  2. Go to Calendar view to schedule your daily tasks
  3. Use reminders to notify you and your employees of timeouts and short breaks
  4. Set priorities and due dates for the tasks

See also:

 Make your short term to do list and concentrate your attention exactly on it

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