Task Management Software

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Home » Doing Tasks » What are task functions and how to manage them
What are task functions and how to manage them  

What are task functions and how to manage them


In any organization, there are certain tasks that while running keep this organization afloat, or in other word tasks that mean key business activities of this organization. Example of such a task can be a general task like this one for sales department: “To ensure the sales according to monthly plan, and continuously develop the fundament for further sales growth”. Such a task statement is too general and lay, so it should be elaborated into a complex daily work and day-to-day functions that actually fill this task with a sense. Such task content can be called the task functions that make a core of the process. Each general task should be explained in appropriate task function statement that covers all levels of task functions and maintenance functions necessary for successful fulfilment of this task. If to speak about given example of the sales department task, we can say that it may include such daily task functions as prospecting, advertising, proposing, negotiations etc.

VIP Task Manager is client-server software for planning and controlling different projects and managing task functions through using different adjustable modes (timeline, calendar, task tree, to-do list) and analyzing performance of your workgroup in order to identify project evolution. 

Action plan

To manage task functions, do the following:

  • start your task management software
  • plan your tasks and if you are a manager, then assign tasks to subordinates
  • elaborate tasks with specific task functions
  • create daily working plans for individuals and departments
  • control performance of task functions


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