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Home » Glossary » What are Types of Task Analysis
What are Types of Task Analysis  

What are Types of Task Analysis


Task Analysis is a process for systematic identification of the fundamental elements of a job and for explicit examination of skills and knowledge required for the job's performance. It gathers valued information about the job for the purpose of developing objectives, training programmes, and evaluation tools.

There are two types of task analysis:

  • Hierarchical
  • Procedural

Hierarchical (prerequisite) task analysis is a systematic identification of work elements that describe the path of experience (or prerequisites) a performer needs to take to achieve any desired behavior that appears at the top of work breakdown. This type of task analysis identifies what the performer must know or be able to do to achieve the high-level task. It defines prerequisites from general to specific.

Procedural task analysis is an examination of a specific job to identify its constituent parts or linear elements that explain how to perform the job sequentially, step-by-step. It determines a directional flow of the job’s performance and describes a start and an end. Procedural task analysis helps understand what procedures or standard tasks to include in a job and in what sequence to perform these procedures.

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