Employee Equity is a state policy which protects the employment and labour rights of people who often face discrimination, in the most common sense they are: women, people with disabilities and minorities (for example, in Canada the employee equity law requires from employers the proactive employment of the representatives of Aboriginal peoples). The conception of Employee Equity laws means more than treating all employees in the same way, but rather recognition and respect of their diversity.
The features of Employee Equity regulations enacted in the most of developed countries include:
- The laws restrict creating special barriers for candidates who would like to get a job: nobody can be neglected because of gender, nationality, religion, physical disabilities that are not concerned with the job, etc;
- Employees cannot be offered different terms of employment because of their gender, nationality, religion, etc. – everyone who works has the right for adequate, fair and transparent compensation for his or her labour;
- Employer is restricted to create some situations or support some practices which can make some people in the staff feel uncomfortable: for example the business meetings cannot be held in strip clubs, etc;
- Employers have to organize and maintain the building, premises and individual workplaces to be comfortable for people with certain disabilities, for example a building needs to be convenient for people using wheelchairs;
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