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Home » Glossary » What is Employee Transition?
What is Employee Transition?  

What is Employee Transition?


Employee Transition is an employee’s movement from current position to a new one with the right to have the same or alike pay range, the same level of tasks, and comparable job responsibilities and duties. It involves an alteration in employment with unchanged level of job hierarchy requiring similar skills, knowledge and expertise from the transitioning worker. Because employee transition involves unchanged level of job hierarchy it is often regarded as a method of horizontal re-assignment of employee jobs.

There are several major reasons for transitioning workers to new jobs. These reasons are:

  • Job re-allocation (when there’s a need for achieving work improvements through altering employees with similar jobs and duties between their positions).
  • Sharing experience and knowledge (when two or more organizations agree on exchanging their workers for the purpose of employee training and experience exchange).
  • Reduction in workforce (when an organization suffers from a reduced number of workers available so the management team decides to re-assign jobs and transition available employees to the most critical jobs).

In contrast to employee transfer, employee transition does not require a worker to have better faculties and competences to do a new job because the worker does not move vertically but just takes similar responsibilities and duties as compared to the previous position. Employee transfer often entails an increase in the pay range and career advancement as well as more complex duties and responsibilities. Meanwhile, employee transition never causes changes in income level and alteration in job responsibilities.

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