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Home » Glossary » What is Process Interaction?
What is Process Interaction?  

What is Process Interaction?


Process Interaction is a model of managing parallel or concurrent processes by defining how data between these processes is exchanged and how the processes are synchronized with each other. The model is intended to optimize synchronized processes by prioritizing and routing work to the best qualified and available workers so that the workload is balanced and the processes run at higher performance.

The purpose of managing interaction between processes is to ensure that there is a single framework for managing parallel processes that are functionally linked to each other and responsive to changes made to related or dependent processes. Such a framework should provide the ability to use data about interacting processes for performing necessary operations and tasks.

Process interaction is the necessary condition for the practice of parallel processing. It stipulates that two or more processes can be performed in parallel if they interact with each other by exchanging and synchronizing data. Then employees who carry out the processes are enabled to make joint efforts towards successful completion, while the employee workload is optimized because the data (tasks, operations, transitions etc.) is distributed among the processes in the way that ensures optimal process performance.

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