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What is Task Checklist?  

What is Task Checklist?


Task Checklist is a comprehensive list of tasks which are organized in a specific order and presented as either action items or questions that an assigned individual needs to consider when doing a related job or goal. It is a simple guide that tells the individual what steps to take to accomplish the job/goal.

 Task checklists are convenient in use because they have checkboxes. When some tasks are finished an employee can use checkboxes to mark those tasks as done and cross them off the checklist.

 In a typical checklist all tasks are temporary, sequenced, prioritized, estimated and assigned. Ideally, task checklist provides the best possible combination of tasks that are performed to achieve a preset desired goal. It means that time, cost, execution order, priority and assignment are the key attributes that define overall effectiveness of every task in a checklist.

 It is the matter of effective task planning to identify the best combination of the attributes for creating a winning checklist of tasks. Effective task planning involves careful examination of the attributes along with analysis of dependencies that need to be established between tasks to ensure their adherence to common goals and objectives. 

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