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What is Task Context  

What is Task Context


Task Context is a specific set of conditions characterizing the situation in which a task should be done. Studying a task context helps to adjust capability of resources and direction of their efforts to fit the situation in a better way, so to reduce inefficiency and avoid many potential errors. Setting up task context before enabling task doers approaching the environment helps them to get prepared and to tune up their mindsets and technical instruments to be suitable to specific parameters of the working environment (which is called a task context). 

Task context model is what you need to develop when establishing a project or a business activity: it is a current state of relationship between a task and its environment that can be quite unstable yet (tending to change its variables). Task context may make certain assumptions unsteady, flexible and requiring continual monitoring to early detect and anticipate their change, and then to transfer this knowledge to the team that executes a task, so they can adjust their activities in a more compliant manner. 

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