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What is Task Cycle  

What is Task Cycle


Task Cycle is a rotation of task statuses or behaviors that are connected to executing a task. There are different conceptions of task cycles, but in general it is a tool to approach and manage a task and to control efforts of task participants. Task cycle isn’t a solely unified concept yet, but it is defined by standards of several methodologies, including proprietary solutions of different organizations. As an example of task cycle we can adduce the following schema: 

  • 1st step of task cycle: defining a task purpose (what we are going to achieve);
  • 2nd step: creating the task base (creating action plan, consolidating resources, etc);
  • 3rd step: task execution (realization of the action plan by efforts of the task resources);
  • 4th step: monitoring task execution and providing an encouraging or corrective feedback;
  • 5th step: controlling and verifying the task results (giving acceptance or requesting redo);
  • 6th step: acknowledging task performance with rewards, thanks, etc;

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