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Home » Glossary » What is Task Element?
What is Task Element?  

What is Task Element?


Task element is a component or constituent of a task to describe a certain part or the entire entity of the task and to explain what assumptions and principles are established for managing the task. It is the basis for creating tasks. Task elements compose the elemental structure of a task and determine input data for the task.

There are various elements of tasks. A number and type of elements for a certain task depends in the task’s size, type and nature. However, for any kind of task there are three typical elements, including:

  • Title. This element determines name and heading of a task.
  • Description. It specifies additional information about a task.
  • Body. The element describes steps, methods, approaches and techniques to be used for implementing a task.

Task elements serve as building blocks to define a task. In contrast to task attributes, elements determine the highest-level components of a task while attributes focus on specifying separate task parameters. Actually attributes are components of elements. For example, Description is a task element that consists of such attributes as Notes, Priority, Comments, Dependency, Associated Files, others.

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