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What is Task Rotation  

What is Task Rotation


Task Rotation is a method used to create work schedules which are friendly to health of employees and efficient in terms of production yet. This method is particularly suitable for environments with manual production. The root principle of Task Rotation states that for a better and faster recovery (hence a higher productivity level) the employees need to be involved into certain combinations of different tasks which are to be executed by turns, so employees avoid long periods of occupancy by some monotonous work and following exhaustion. The major principles of the Task Rotation are:

  • Every task has specific time limits for its safe performance, as over the working time, employee tiredness and tension increases, while attentiveness and concentration decreases. When these safe limits are violated, the productivity and effectiveness start reducing, while the risks of some errors, spoilage or injury begin to grow;
  • Overfatigue and other problems can be prevented if an employee will combine different kinds of tasks and will do them by turns (to stay at each task only within its safe limits), so his or her physical and mental workload over jobs can be equally divided and balanced. Rotating tasks is a way to rest from one task (for example which stresses your attention), while doing another task (which do not need so much of attention and accuracy);
  • It is necessary to analyze the tasks which are to be done by the employees: to define balance between the mental and manual components of each job and to classify them, so the optimal combinations of tasks can be determined for each position; 

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