Task Variety is a term used to address variability of conditions under which tasks can appear even though their principal similarity: every methodically standardized task can potentially occur under a number of circumstances which add variability to its execution, requiring flexibility from performers for making ad-hoc decisions and adapting to different conditions. In other words task variability is what you need to consider before preparing to work at certain task: it includes selecting appropriate tools, methods, or anything that will you more suitable to specific settings of environment.
For example: a task “studying a book” is associated with calm and peaceful atmosphere where it is easy for us to focus on process of reading, but things go in a different way when you have to study a book while riding in a bus, or while in any other kind of noisy and disturbing environment – in these conditions it probably makes sense to convert your book into audio format and listen to it through a headset (it is how task variability works in practice).
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