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Home » Miscellaneous » Client server program - client server overview and specific examples
Client server program - client server overview and specific examples  

Client server program - client server overview and specific examples


Today, even people who are not experts in computer technologies (but have to use computers a lot) often hear the term client server program. It is useful for everyone to know what is it and how does client server work. Client server definition is quite simple – this is architecture of software, meaning that program consists of two collaborating components – client application (there can be a lot of them) and the server application. The clients (installed on allocated computers connected into one network) send requests to the server; the processes the requests and returns the results to the appropriate client – this is how it works. These client server principles allow the program, while being allocated among multiple computers, to work as one system where client applications keep connection to the server, forming up shared client server environment where users can interact in real-time regime. After such a brief client server overview let’s delve into review of specific client server program to understand how the principles are applied in practice:
VIP Task Manager is client-server software that allows you to plan and schedule tasks and appointments through using different adjustable modes (Task Tree, Task list and Calendar interface modes) along with giving you instruments to share these tasks. This effective tool ensures real time controlling of performance of your workgroup in order to identify project evolution, costs and team efficiency.
To use the environment in daily practice – do the following:

  1. start your client server program
  2. create accounts for your teammates, so they can access the software
  3. plan meetings, tasks and appointments for you and your team
  4. set priorities and assign tasks to performers
  5. let them see and report their tasks in real-time

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