Task Management Software

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Home » Miscellaneous » How to have only important task details on your task list
How to have only important task details on your task list  

How to have only important task details on your task list


In projects with a huge number of tasks requires company staff to use task management software, however there still may a problem of displaying the abundance of tasks in a convenient view. Each project participant may need a task list with specifically arranged task's columns (fields). A particular set of columns in the task list makes it easer to execute tasks and track current progress within the software. For example, a manager of department or a team leader may need such task columns as Status, Permission, Date Complete, Department, Start&Finish Date, and other fields which he needs to display in task list of task management software. For an employee or a team member, the task column view may include the fields like Name, Priority, Due Date, Time Left, Complete, and Assignment.

The functionality of task column customisation of task management software allows to build task field view according to each employee's preferences. VIP Task Manager has such a functionality which allows to create multiple task column layouts. This is the way to arrange task column view and specify task fields in the way an employee desires. VIP Task Manager allows a project manager or a team leader to create and share task column layouts between employees.

Action plan:

  1. Run VIP Task Manager software under administrator
  2. Go to Task Tree view/Task List view and display required columns
  3. Go to tool bar and create a layout using "Save current layout as" button
  4. Check the item "Share" if you want to make the layout available to all employees.

See also:

 Keep your staff aware of what is going on in the company

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