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Project and Task Management News Details

Jan 18, 2010 

Managing Outsourcing Project Checklist

Management of an outsourcing project can be more difficult and complicated process rather than any other sort of project. Project manager should define objectives, select the right outsourcing partner, and make an agreement. The outsourcing project takes more time and requires high competence and broad experience. The Managing outsourcing project checklist will help prepare, start and control the project, and to handle relationships with outsourcing partner.

Task performance checklist

Task performance can be used as collaborative indicators of how a project or a business process is being run. It is generally assumed that better task performance means higher project development or process progress, because task performance is a causal link between phases and stages of a project or process. The task performance checklist helps initiate a project or start a process, and characterize their progress.

Task Supervision Checklist

Task Supervision Checklist outlines the steps used in helping a supervisor or a group leader to undertake task controlling and monitoring. It shows the employee the direction on the tasks and lets discuss the ways to improve task performance

Project Human Resource Planning Checklist

This checklist was created to help with Human Resource Planning performance. This business process is extremely important for managing human resources involved into certain project. The appropriate human resources which possess essential skills to perform their project roles are indispensable condition of successful project. This general project human resource planning checklist can be easily modified and elaborated according to user's specific requirements.

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