Probably the most time-wasting problem of an employee is disorganization. The employee may think that he is working hard, but if too much time is wasted looking for records or doing vain chores, many hours can pass by without efficient work being completed. The way to define whether your employees have productivity problems and waste their working time is to start keeping a log at the beginning of each week and write down all troubles with the tasks. When your employees feel they are wasting time doing thing that do not help them in achieving defined goals, they just make a record to the log. With such a log you will be able to analyze time-wasting reasons and develop a mechanism to optimize task workflow.
By using VIP Task Manager software you can achieve organized workflow of your employees and reduce time-wasting. The software allows to create to-do lists, make assignment to employees and supervisors, set due dates and control task performance. With VIP Task Manager you can create the log of time-wasting problems and discover the real reasons of procrastinations. In VIP Task Manager each task has such text fields as "Notes" and "Comments". Your employees can use these fields to write down the issues they are facing with while performing a particular task. The text in the filed "Note" or "Comments" can be printed out. You can read the notes of your employees and leave your recommendations in the field "Comments". The system allows to track new records and notes by automatic alerts so you will notified on a new event immediately.
Action plan:
- Launch VIP Task Manager
- Go to task lists of your employees
- Manage your permissions to the task lists in Permissions panel. The panel allows you to read, edit or delete the tasks.
- To receive notifications on events, you should be task owner or assigned supervisor. Go to Resource List view, open your resource record, select Watch List tab and check all supervised resources
Note: you can use Task History field in any task to track events history by date and time.
CentriQS Task Scheduling Solution CentriQS users can choose the most convenient way to schedule tasks. If most of your tasks require scheduling, you can add new tasks directly in the Scheduler view. If you schedule tasks from task list, you can drag'n'drop created tasks to the Scheduler panel. If you set task start and finish dates and time, you can do this on the Schedule tab of task detail view. Also CentriQS supports "splitting task" into multiple schedule items in case you plan to break task into parts and schedule them at different time and days of the week. |