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Home » Scheduling Tasks » Employee Scheduling Problems: types, and ways to rectify and avoid in future
Employee Scheduling Problems: types, and ways to rectify and avoid in future  

Employee Scheduling Problems: types, and ways to rectify and avoid in future


Employee scheduling issues are confusing conditions or situations that might seriously reduce employee efficiency and collapse appropriate rhythm of workflow. These counter-productive issues can be prevented by accurate planning and considering all the related factors by the managers who assume scheduling. These employee scheduling issues may be the following ones:

  • conflict: one of the most typical issues is when an employee gets assigned to concurrent tasks, so that he gets overloaded with two (or more) competing commitments, and he faces a working dilemma created just by mistake of his manager.
  • change: sometimes manager may decide to update something on a general schedule, but forgets to update employee’s individual agenda (or at least to inform him about this change), so employee keeps working according to old variant, keeping old dates in mind.
  • stress: a result of improvident scheduling when employee gets assigned to a couple of stressful activities within a short time period, which make his schedule too intensive (while it was possible to elude this situation), is moral and physical exhaustion.

According to conclusions provided by workforce consultants we can say that one of the possible ways to prevent all these counter-productive problems is to apply special software, such as VIP Task Manager.

To assign project tasks to the team– do the following:

  • start your project planning software;
  • set a suitable layout of task groups (Task Tree mode);
  • set project timeline (Calendar mode) and target dates;
  • assign and schedule tasks and arrangements in terms of their costs, objectives, etc;
  • control project execution in real-time regime;

CentriQS Task Scheduling Solution

CentriQS users can choose the most convenient way to schedule tasks. If most of your tasks require scheduling, you can add new tasks directly in the Scheduler view. If you schedule tasks from task list, you can drag'n'drop created tasks to the Scheduler panel. If you set task start and finish dates and time, you can do this on the Schedule tab of task detail view. Also CentriQS supports "splitting task" into multiple schedule items in case you plan to break task into parts and schedule them at different time and days of the week.

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