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Home » Scheduling Tasks » How to set up Recurring Task with Reminder?
How to set up Recurring Task with Reminder?  

How to set up Recurring Task with Reminder?


Everyone has some recurring tasks at his/her schedule, for example daily activities such as “to feed the cat”, “to take the vitamins”, etc. There are more advanced algorithms of recurrence, for example some events may happen every Monday, or twice per week, or every two weeks, etc. Effective task management software is designed to cover a scope of your needs, including planning repeating tasks that occur with different regularity. While software gives you means for setting up your own algorithm of task’s or event’s re-occurrence, special recurring task reminders help you not to miss every new turn of recurrence (making you aware before task’s every iteration beginning or before its end). There are programs that let you set up such reminders, but there are also popular solutions that have a deficit of such function, like MS Outlook. While Tasks Recurrence is a quite developed option, recurring task reminder in Outlook appears ineffective. That’s because you cannot associate reminder’s settings with task’s parameters of recurrence anyhow (reminder can popup only on a fixed date), so every Outlook recurring task with reminder needs manual resetting before task’s every new iteration.

VIP Task Manager is alternative to MS Outlook. It employs a more flexible way of setting up task reminders, and real-time collaboration capabilities. With its help you can set up reminder to appear on a fixed date and before the task’s start/finish date. This product can send recurring task reminder emails to all concerned persons, so you can get recurring task reminders with a help of Blackberry, or usual mobile phone, or remote computer that is not connected to database of VIP Task Manager. 

To set up project and task reminders – do the following:

  • start your project planning software;
  • set a suitable layout of task groups to represent different stages of your project;
  • plan tasks on every stage;
  • schedule tasks and set their recurrence settings;
  • set up reminders to pop-up before start or finish dates of your tasks;

CentriQS Task Scheduling Solution

CentriQS users can choose the most convenient way to schedule tasks. If most of your tasks require scheduling, you can add new tasks directly in the Scheduler view. If you schedule tasks from task list, you can drag'n'drop created tasks to the Scheduler panel. If you set task start and finish dates and time, you can do this on the Schedule tab of task detail view. Also CentriQS supports "splitting task" into multiple schedule items in case you plan to break task into parts and schedule them at different time and days of the week.

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