Task Management Software

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Home » Scheduling Tasks » What is Task Duration?
What is Task Duration?  

What is Task Duration?


Task Duration definition: it is a task characteristic showing amount of time it takes to complete this job. Determining task durations is one of the key practices in the project management, as it enables calculating the overall project task duration (how much of time the project takes). When a project manager composes a project plan he foresees (estimates) scheduled durations that get mapped out on project’s timeline. Of course, during the actual project performance these durations of tasks may vary (usually within certain allowance interval), as there is a number of risks & factors influencing probability of tasks delaying (as well as early completion).

A project manager may create a schedule including the following types of durations:

  • Effort-driven Task Duration – duration of a task shortens or lengthens as resources (manpower, labor, equipment capacity, etc) are added or removed from a task, while the amount of effort (work) necessary to complete a job remains unchanged;
  • Fixed duration – as its name states task’s duration remains the same disregarding resources added or removed, but when assigning additional resources the amount of work decreases for each individual;

VIP Task Manager is a product to be used for planning, scheduling and controlling durations of tasks in a collaborating team.

To plan durations of tasks – do the following:

  • start your work planning software;
  • use Task Tree mode to set up a suitable layout of groups;
  • prioritize team tasks and add instructions on how to perform them;
  • plan tasks in terms of durations (Start and Finish date), priorities, costs, target dates, etc;
  • assign tasks to performers and supervise execution in real-time regime;

CentriQS Task Scheduling Solution

CentriQS users can choose the most convenient way to schedule tasks. If most of your tasks require scheduling, you can add new tasks directly in the Scheduler view. If you schedule tasks from task list, you can drag'n'drop created tasks to the Scheduler panel. If you set task start and finish dates and time, you can do this on the Schedule tab of task detail view. Also CentriQS supports "splitting task" into multiple schedule items in case you plan to break task into parts and schedule them at different time and days of the week.

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