High business standards and close economic connections between separate enterprises or divisions of a holding company require implementation of a collaborative multi-enterprise workflow management system that allows to create a unified business environment to manage collaboration and workflow. By using such a system, the business units can coordinate tasks and synchronize actions to fulfill orders on time, avoid delays in deliveries, optimize operation schedules, and minimize downtime costs. The system stores all information for workflow management in common database file, and a plurality of enterprises can be managed through task management and resource assignment from a single center. If you are looking for the system described above, then try VIP Task Manager .
A multi-enterprise workflow management system ' VIP Task Manager Professional' can be distributed around the business units which are enterprises. This system provides collaborative workflow through built-in Workflow Editor, allowing to adjust the business workflow according to specific needs of enterprises. For example, to manage tasks related to sales process, the manager can create the 'Sales process' workflow and specify it with such task statuses as 'Created', 'Paid', 'Dispatched', 'Cancelled', 'Sold' and 'In Stock'. Each task status lets understand the stage of selling process. The seller and buyer can use VIP Task Manager is a collaborative workflow management tool for multiple enterprises to manage and synchronize the tasks of staff members who are responsible for ordering, paying, shipping, tracking, delivering, and warehousing of goods.
Action plan:- Run VIP Task Manager
- Go to 'Tool' - 'Custom Workflow' to create new workflow types
- Use Resource List view to add employees of the enterprises to multi-enterprise database. Permissions panel will allow you to manage employee access to information in the database
- As a manager or supervisor you can assign and track tasks in real time. You can use 'Comments' and 'Notes' task fields to communicate with employees of the enterprises and leave recommendations/directives on the fulfillment of current orders.
Note: VIP Task Manager stores the database file on a server machine (or a regular PC) so make sure the enterprises can connect to the server through Internet or/and LAN
Set the list of responsibilities for each position of your staff
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