Task Management Software

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Home » Setting Tasks » Do you understand the role of kick-off meeting?
Do you understand the role of kick-off meeting?  

Do you understand the role of kick-off meeting?


A kick-off meeting is a meeting at the beginning of a project or its separate phase to align the project team's comprehension with project goals, plans and tasks, and to initiate the team-building process. To entirely understand the role of the project kick-off meeting, you should be clear about its objectives. The role of the project kick-off meeting is covered by four main objectives:

  • To officially announce the start of the project
  • To outline project objectives as well as individual responsibilities and tasks of team members
  • To state expectations of all engaged parties
  • To create a commitment by those project participants who directly influence project's outcomes

Through setting these objectives at the kick-off meeting agenda and attaining them during the project, you will build the project team and smoothly run the project.

To schedule and arrange the project kick-off meeting, a task management program needs to be applied. You can choose VIP Task Manager program that allows to plan tasks, schedule meetings, and manage projects. In VIP Task Manager you can plan out the kick-off meeting agenda by using task templates. The task template can be used to create the kick-off agenda which can be planned by date, priority and assignments. For better efficiency, you can allocate supervisors who will act as assistants to help you with organizing, conducting and closing the project kick-off meeting.

Action plan:
  1. Run VIP Task Manager
  2. Go to Task Tree View and create the task groups, you can create a new task group 'Work Rotation Shifts and keep all work schedules there
  3. In Calendar View you can filter tasks by the task group 'Shift Rosters' and add new tasks to wok rotation schedule
  4. Use Duplicate function to copy tasks and templates and so quickly create new work rotation schedules
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