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Home » Setting Tasks » Finding optimal team size
Finding optimal team size  

Finding optimal team size


If you are a team leader or a manager, you probably faced the issue of selecting team members and finding optimal team size. When it comes to the ideal size of a team, we try to find a balance between the number of team members and the number of outstanding tasks. Based on the observations of researchers who study well-functioning teams, the optimal team size may have five persons plus a team leader. Five is the common number which is based on the studies around employee communications and team structures. For example, Scrum recommends the team size to be 5-7. Another researches related to the Parkinson's Law suggested that the optimal team size is below 10 except for 8. All teams or subgroups which have above 10 persons in their structure will face a natural digression and no consensus will be found. When the team consists of 8 members, people usually face decision-making issues and deadlocks.

So the optimal team size is the number between 5 and 7. Now you need to build such a team or divide existing team into several subgroups of 5-7 members. VIP Task Manager will help cope with it. This is teamware designed to manage single-team projects as well as multi-team projects. By using VIP Task Manager , you can create roles and set permissions for the team members and assign tasks according to the duties of each team member. If your project has several teams (subgroups), you can appoint supervisors per team by using Watch List. This capability will let you efficiently manage performance and project tasks between the subgroups.

Action plan:

  1. Launch VIP Task Manager Professional
  2. In Task Tree View you can create a tree-like structure for the projects. Use Permissions Panel to allow or deny team members' access to the projects
  3. Use Roles panel to create permissions for each subgroup. For example, you can create such roles as 'Subgroup 1', 'Subgroup 2', etc.
  4. Use Scheduler view to schedule tasks and to-do lists
  5. Use Watch List tab to assign supervisors to subgroups.
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