Task Management Software

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Home » Setting Tasks » How to set individual performance objectives
How to set individual performance objectives  

How to set individual performance objectives


Setting performance objectives per employee is an important part of task management which allows to achieve Strategic Goal by dividing it into a number of sub-goals. The team leader or manager must do some steps to set individual performance objectives:

  • Appoint and conduct meeting with each employee to describe his/her job and tasks
  • Create and address a list of responsibilities to the employee
  • Develop adequate individual performance objectives according to the employee's major functions and responsibilities

The individual performance objectives must be based on information that is collected for management purposes and during the planning process.

VIP Task Manager is task management software which helps to set individual performance objectives and evaluate task performance per employee. With VIP Task Manager you can maintain appraisal activity and you develop performance objectives that are achievable, flexible, timely and rewarded. VIP Task Manager helps describe the desired results, provides direction and purpose, and defines measure and standard for performance. All these deliver improved performance.

Action plan:

  • Start VIP Task Manager
  • Create a task, use 'Notes' and 'Comments' tab to word individual performance goal
  • Assign the task to an employee
  • If needed, attach documentation to the task
  • Set deadlines by using due date, start/finish dates, estimated and actual time
  • Press Ok to save all changes

Note: use Custom field feature to specify qualitative and descriptive part of the individual performance objectives.

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