Use clear map to get to your dream
Goals are your road map on the way to successful career and as any map it should be clear and smart. When setting your goals make sure that they are achievable. If the goals take long time to be accomplished or they are hardly to come true, you will lose confidence in yourself and your self-appraisal will decline. Each goal that you set should be completed within a certain amount of time. If the goal is clear and specific it can help you focus your attention and efforts on its achievement and avoid feeling of frustration.
"Set achievable goals" To Do List
- Think about the goals that you want to achieve in your career
- Make your goals realistic and achievable, for example if you want to become a rich man think about the steps that can help you realize it
- Set deadlines for your goals to feel that they are achievable and not too long
- Use software to list your goals, set their deadlines and if required to enter their details
Action plan
- Start your task management software
- Create a new task group "Goals"
- Create new tasks describing your goals and assign them to this task group
- Set tasks due dates and enter more details about them into task notes section
- Start doing the tasks
See also:
Don't try to achieve your life-time goal at once
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