Task identification is very important when it comes to handling multiple tasks and processes within a project. If organization supports proper project management and documenting style, conducting of tasks journal or register, task identification is indispensable part of its workflow as each task should get a numeric (or alphanumeric) attribute (Task ID) that is used for task designation and will be used in different operations such as searching for specific task through register etc. Actually all electronic systems that work with multiple records should give task ID numbers to every new record in order to facilitate navigating through entire multitude of records. Task identifier or task ID may include some information about task encoded according to specific algorithm - for example to identify task, its task ID can be composed from date when it was created and letters that mean process or project which task belongs to etc. Usually computer-based systems automatically give default numbers that uniquely identify task and this method is more reliable than manual entering of task identifier or complicated assigning of Task ID according to certain custom algorithm.
VIP Task Manager is real-time teamwork tool that provides automatic task identification, so every new task in database gets unique task ID that cannot be modified. With a help of this tool you are able to identify task (each of multiple tasks) by numerous standard and custom attributes, to create shared worksheets, to control and analyze performance of a workgroup in order to identify its efficiency in real-time through client-server technology.
To manage and identify tasks within your workgroup do the following:
- start your task identification software
- use Task Tree to break-down your projects into doable actions (tasks)
- plan timelines, identify task with costs, priorities and assignment to performers
- control project evolution in terms of tasks completion, time and costs
- use column task ID to search for required task
See also:
Set the list of responsibilities for each position of your staff
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