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SMART goal-setting and task management software  

SMART goal-setting and task management software


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Objective (result) is the key idea that is the beginning and the reason of any activity or project. The most dangerous mistake in project management is to start a project without clear understanding of project goals. These goals should be distinctly preset. The process of goal-setting is well learned and a lot of different methods were developed, one of such methods is SMART. This abbreviation means:

S (specific) - You should distinctly specify your goals. You need to determine precisely and in details what objectives you need to achieve. This will help you to focus your efforts and understand what to do, why and how. This tree words are the key questions of Specific stage. They mean total planning of your activity. You should define what tasks to do on certain step, why it is so important for this step and how you are going to realize it.

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VIP Task Manager is a special software that gives you possibility to plan tasks for you and your team, to use Task Tree to create hierarchy of task groups, to set proper tasks order, to write instructions regarding each task, to attach various files or links to the files. You and your team members can use Task List to view tasks they should execute.

M (measurable) - You need to create the criteria for measuring of your progress on the way to goal's achievement. Measuring system allows you to track and control project performance and be sure that progress is going according to your plan.

VIP Task Manager is software that makes your work performance measurable, visible and easy for tracking. You can easily monitor what stage of project is being currently executed, what tasks your team members are assigned to do and what progress they have.

A (Attainable) - Your goals should be reachable. They should be realistic, and you should believe that you can achieve them. You need to be sure that you possess instruments and resources to reach objectives. Figure out ways that can bring you closer to your target. For beginning it is better to set not very ambitious aims, but just start from objectives that are feasible. Then gradually increase your commitments. If you successfully achieve any objective you will get valuable experience that will drive you to new attainments.

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VIP Task Manager is easy for mastering instrument of team collaboration and personnel management that will help you to achieve your goals. The efficient team collaboration is the necessary condition of successful project execution. VIP Task Manager allows people to share their tasks, documents and job results. It has a flexible system of notifications that can make all team members aware if something important for them is changed within the tasks management system (if new tasks were assigned, if some tasks are completed, etc.)

SMART goal-setting and task management software

R (Relevant, result-oriented) - you need to be sure that your goals are relevant to your life or work purposes. Your objectives should be consistent with your other goals and should be helpful for your long-term perspectives. You should have result-oriented perception of your goals. Your current objectives might be the grade before achievement of further goals. The main condition of further goals achievement is the success of current ones and this fact will stimulate you. Define the things that can motivate you to achieve your goals that will encourage you to make progress. You need to set priorities for all your tasks.

VIP Task Manager is the software that gives you possibility to analyze your work performance by making printable reports, building various charts. You are able to set priorities for each task (form lowest to urgent) and change task statuses (according to workflow). Multiple users have possibility to see performance progress of each other, this will stimulate them to follow the leaders and improve their results.

T (Time-framed, timely) - You need to set timelines for your goals and tasks. Setting of time frames is critically important for goals planning, because if you do not have time limits you will not feel urgency of your tasks, they will be permanently delayed and your goals can be reached with great time costs. So you need to schedule all your tasks.

VIP Task Manager is the groupware that allows task planning and scheduling. You can plan start dates, finish dates, due dates, task durations, set task recurrence and set reminders that will help you not to procrastinate your tasks and fail your agenda . VIP Task Manager allows multiple people to access the same database via LAN or Internet and collaborate in real-time.

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