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Agenda manager: don't turn your office work into a creeping turtle  

Agenda manager: don't turn your office work into a creeping turtle


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The heavy workload and information flow in the field of business administration and office management are growing steadily from year to year, even in small-sized organizations. An optimized agenda manager is the solution for these problems. It can save a massive amount of time and money and give powerful tools for information management to managers and employees. An office manager, who doesn't use such a solution to create and manage agenda for upcoming meetings, suffers from the paper-based process of managing agendas . Without exception such a process takes too much time, consumes piles of paper and most importantly it's inefficient. Distribution of paper documents is also an administrative nightmare. The office manger spends his/her time and effort not in an efficient way to manage agenda. As a result, the office workflow turns into a creeping turtle. In this context, the manager should reject the paper-based process and implement new software to streamline the office work, arrange meetings properly and bring the power of a solution to the office workflow.

Agenda manager is a PC-based system designed to help managers to create, approve and track items of the agenda for upcoming and ongoing meetings. The entire agenda management software creates a collaborative paperless solution. Adding an agenda item like the approval for a new project, task assignment, and the project budget allocation can now be controlled in a well-organized systematic solution. In addition, that system helps run the task scheduling process and employee management by offering the ability to share work items, automatically notify employees of upcoming meetings and generate status reports.

Agenda manager: don't turn your office work into a creeping turtle
The program is beneficial for both office employees and management. Employees get the ability to schedule and do their tasks in accordance with the workflow established in the office agenda by their manager. The latter can review employee performance, map out office work time and communicate with employees in real time. Managing agenda means saving money and getting a return on investment immediately. Paper, copy, and document distribution costs will be virtually eliminated. In addition, a typical agenda management software solution offers functionality for emailing task items to employees, retaining information in a single office database and maintaining employee collaboration in real time mode.

VIP Task Manager offers an effective agenda management solution designed for a complete and comfortable administration of information in the office database, including a powerful to-do list and meeting manager, a document flow system and the calculation tool of work expenditures.VIP Task Manager is perfect for individual and group use. The office manager can apply this task and software to create a sharable calendar of events where all meetings, appointments, tasks, holidays and assignments are displayed daily, weekly or monthly. Employees can use VIP Task Manager to plan their task and synchronize their actions with common office schedule. There will be no troubles with information management and office data security as the software stores the office database on a dedicated server and access to the database is given to office employees based on personal log-in name, password and permissions.

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