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Characteristics of modern leadership  

Characteristics of modern leadership


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Leadership is a key method of management. There are different conceptions of this term. We study it as alternative to traditional directive system of management, as a fundamentally different type of relationship between manager and subordinate. It's not a necessity that leader possesses outstanding talents. Essentially leader should be ready to take responsibility and possess will and aspiration for further development.

First person of the company/team/department is the Leader - he/she creates leadership system that involves all employees without confines of hierarchy levels. In other words this is not purpose of only chiefs of all sorts that have subordinates, but every company employee should be a leader, because leadership means responsibility for success of the enterprise, of the team and for achievement of common goals.

Characteristics of modern leadership

Main goal of leadership is an improvement of organizational system . That means not only eliminating consequences of existing problems but analyzing these problems' sources and reasons. To do this without help of employees is impossible. Outside consultants are not efficient helpers in these questions, because they can receive not adequate information about reasons of defects. That's why average employees should be the leaders of processes and projects for which improvement they are responsible, because leadership is inseparably related with team that performs common work. Person that considers himself a leader works much more efficiently and is much more competitive than a simple executor. Among leaders there cannot be traditional hierarchy: chief - subordinate. Responsibility is the key word for understanding of the new hierarchy. Some leaders have a wide scope of responsibility, other - a narrow one. Leaders with wide competence and responsibility should guide and help leaders with narrow scope of responsibility, but not command what to do. Of course establishment of leadership does not mean canceling of all administrative methods. Formal order of management can remain, but orders coming from persons of higher level of responsibility are not anymore commands that constrain subordinates to do something, even if it does not coincide with their opinion. New orders are verifications of attained consensus about ways and methods of task performance. Achievement of consent is a result of "brain storms", discussions and team collaboration.

Edward Deming has elaborated characteristics of modern manager:

Traditional leadership

Leadership according to Deming


Accentuated absence of autocracy


Charisma does not harm, but not help as well, because it creates barriers among leader and team members

Each word is directive

Does not need directives

Everybody listen him/her

Listen employees himself/herself

Watches how employees court him/her

Helps employees himself/herself

Suspicions, fears of intrigues

Trust employees

Makes all decisions himself/herself

Helps people to find proper solution themselves

Can arbitrary intervene in any process

On the basis of statistical methods is able to understand that concerns variability of processes

Devotion of subordinates

Activity, zeal, readiness to take responsibility

Employees fear he/she

Employees trust him/her

It is supposed that the leader knows everything better than subordinates and this actually gives him/her the grounds for intervention in their activity

Makes stress that he/she is not the most competent person in certain questions.

Team leader should monitor the work of each team member and be in touch in case of some issues. It is very important for efficient team leader to possess the instrument that allows team tasks management. Instrument that can help to plan and track tasks, make a schedule for team members, make project performance visible for everyone and measurable .


VIP Task Manager is easy to use, very flexible team collaboration and small project management tool. It allows multiple users to access the same database via LAN or Internet to view, manage and report their tasks, share files and analyze project performance. VIP Task Manager has such features as e-mail and in-system notifications, access permissions, Scheduler (Calendar), Task Tree, charts and printable reports, export data into formats of HTML and MS Excel, import data from MS Outlook. VIP Task Manager is simple to deploy and easy in use groupware that provides users with flexible interface, customizable workflow and task attributes.


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