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What is a Management Dashboard?
The term Management Dashboard defines a wide range of data reporting and visualization tools or dashboards that allow using various performance & efficiency measures to report on an enterprise’s ability to organize and coordinate its activities in accordance with certain policies and in achievement of pre-determined objectives. What is a Management Dashboard?
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Creation of a customer database with a detailed company profile  

Creation of a customer database with a detailed company profile


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For the companies which produce, sell and resell products the creation of a customer database with a detailed profile is a mechanism to arrange and systemize all customers into single detailed catalogue with general info , names , address , brand , company structures and even value . For example, the manufacturing enterprise produces products and then sells them out on the marketplace. That firm organizes Sales department which actually keeps sales on appropriate level and maintains relationships with customers. Creation of the customer database will allow Sales department to arrange all customers by groups and profiles.

Customer company profile in a single database
The term 'database' is often used by today's sales managers and marketers. The efficient work of Sales department of the manufacturing company can be organized if marketers have a database of all companies which are the customers.  A customer database is a compilation of data about every organization which has acquired the products and/or services offered by manufacturing enterprise or its divisions. The database stores individual data elements (general company info , names , address , brand , structures and value ) which can be put together in an efficient manner to create a complete business profile . Sales managers and marketers should understand the basics of the database structure in order to help that their goals will be achieved.

Creation of a customer database with detailed company profile

Software for creation of database
VIP Task Manager is a database building software which allows to add and systemize a customer profile into single corporate database. Sales department can use VIP Task Manager not only for creation of the database, but also for management of tasks and activities related to the customers. It means that the department manager can create, monitor and track tasks assigned to the specialist of Sales department.

In VIP Task Manager the building blocks of the customer database are task groups. In Task Tree view you can create a treelike structure in which every company is a parent task group with any number of subgroups. The flexible mechanism of subgroups allows to specify profile and divide it into categories, such as General company info , names , address , brand , structures and value .

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