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Documentation management system - computerized way to create documentation database  

Documentation management system - computerized way to create documentation database


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Documentation management system
Documentation management system is extremely important part of any project or enterprise workflow. It services the project/enterprise like blood services the living organism, because project documentation in many respects ensures the functioning of project and may include process (that expounds how various processes should be carried out) and working documentation (that is immediately involved in working process or  dedicated to technical aspects of work). The better the systems are organized the more effective the project teams work.

Understanding of the term document management systems has two dimensions. One meaning of documentation management system is an organizational conception - set of rules that determine how working files is managed, how process or/and project documentation are applied on practice and how collaboration at documents is organized. Another conception of documentation management system means actually a set of tools that allow practical use of that system. In order to effectively support activities of the enterprise or project team all needful working documentation, process documentation and project documentation should be within easy reach, easy to find, easy to use and easy to share - all this should be organized with a help of document management systems.

Usual pressing problem for project management is necessity to share project files among team members and solving of this issue is another objective for task management system. In modern circumstances when working documentation can be digitized the best solution is to implement computer-based system that can help to create documentation paperless library that will make it easy to add documentation, organize papers and share it among project participants.

computerized way to create documentation database to organize project and process documentation

VIP Task Manager is tasks and documentation management system that can be used both to manage tasks and to manage project and process documentation. This kind of document management systems can be used both for project management and in order to create documentation database where entries can be quickly organized, grouped, sorted, filtered and shared.

Team members can attach documents (file or link) to task, so in order to add files into database they should do just a few clicks. VIP Task Manager is client-server product that allows tracking projects in terms of task completion, time and costs, so this software can make your business processes related to work with documents easy for measuring and tracking.

Read also a new article about process management - project management client-server software for Windows


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