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Employee value calculation software solution as an integral part of business success  

Employee value calculation software solution as an integral part of business success


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What is a value calculator?
It is a business management tool that allows applying measurement techniques to figure out the balance between the amount of effort an employee gives to his employer and the amount of compensation the employer gives to the employee in return for performance. To put it simply, employee value calculation software is the ratio between "giving" and "getting". It lets better run salary management, see the business workflow in figures and reveal disproportions and imbalance in staff performance. A company tends to the growth and to have more satisfied employees and increased retention if its employees think that the reward they get exceeds (or at least equals) what they actually give. That's why value calculation program is so important and irreplaceable for successful business management.

Two sides
To understand howthat kind of software can lead you company to success and to review the benefits of it on a particular job estimation example, it's better to look at < calculation tool from the two sides mentioned, namely "get" side and "give" side.

  • The "get" side .

The "get" side is about determining the company's advantages as an employer. When employing new employees and managing existing employees, the company should be the most attractive among competitors on the market. The more the company is attractable for new and existing employees (better rates, increased salary, better conditions of work, convenient location of offices, etc.), the more it can get from them. Employee value calculation program allows to create constantly improving conditions of work where employees are essential for the employer, so they are ready to work and make new achievement. By using employee value calculation tool, the company's managers can assess and measure the input of each employee as well as the total input of a group to the success.

Employee value calculation software solution as an integral part of business success
  • The "give" side .

This side is referred to compensating employees for given efforts and the input from various groups and teams of the company. The side turns around gathering information on the work done, working hours spent, rates stated and employees involved in the work. Employee

To realize how the two sides work in practice, you try VIP Task Manager, a good employee calculation example. The software is server-based application that supports local connection or Internet to give access to corporate databases. By using VIP Task Manager, you can create a new database which will contain tasks, appointments, schedules, and all other information required for running your company's workflow. The Custom Fields functionality of the example will let you create and apply specific task parameters and formulas. You can apply such task custom fields like 'Hours Worked, 'Extra Time', 'Labor Rate', 'Salary', 'Bonus', 'Penalty', and others to determine the "get" side and figure out the "give" side.

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