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Main problems that prevent project from meeting deadlines  

Main problems that prevent project from meeting deadlines


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Timelines of execution are critically important for any project, but often there are several problems which prevent project from meeting these timelines.  In the beginning of a project it deceptively seems that there is a plenty of time allocated for the project and if some delays take place they will be easily made up for. But on practice everything is going in different way and project can greatly exceed all deadlines, or be completed in time, but with greater costs. This can be explained by different reasons, for example insufficiently determined objectives which are poor basis for assessment of labor and time costs. Another reason is lack of risk analysis.

The analysis of project risks is divided to qualitative (the description of all prospective risks of a project, and also cost estimation of their consequences and arrangements for risk decreasing) and quantitative (calculations of how project efficiency changes because of risks). Next reason is human factor. The more executors are involved into a project, the more complicated task to control them and the more circumstances can influence the project.
Main problems that prevent project from meeting deadlines
Often, project managers preset labor productivity according to standards which do not correspond to reality. For example project managers can set even level of productivity for executors which actually are not able to keep the same level of productivity during the all life-cycle of a project. Such problem can be solved by regular monitoring of work productivity. For this purpose project managers can use task management groupware, which is intended for allocation and controlling of tasks within project team.  
VIP Task Manager is a time and task planning groupware which allow breaking-down projects into tasks, assigning tasks to executors, placing tasks into task groups, and tracking course of task performance in real-time regime.
VIP Task Manager is easy-to-use task management groupware which allows multiple users access one database via LAN and Internet. It features:
  •  Assigning tasks to team members, tracking task performance
  •  Setting timelines and priorities for tasks
  • Time, quantity and cost control
  •  Management of small projects, daily tasks and business processes
  •  Customizable task attributes and workflows
  •  Instant e-mail and in-system notifications
  •  Task Tree, Task List and Scheduler (Calendar) mode
  •  Multiple projects, departments, sub-teams management
  •  Access rights management
  • Free server part and no recurring fees

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