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What is a Management Dashboard?
The term Management Dashboard defines a wide range of data reporting and visualization tools or dashboards that allow using various performance & efficiency measures to report on an enterprise’s ability to organize and coordinate its activities in accordance with certain policies and in achievement of pre-determined objectives. What is a Management Dashboard?
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Performance management: achieving results  

Performance management: achieving results


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For the last ten of years organizations have been faced with new challenges of market. Increased competition between organizations has strengthened new conditions and rules of business, and it forced the companies to determine their strategies more carefully to become competitive. To ensure the strategies are implemented effectively, company management should check if all departments and employees do what they supposed to do. In such a situation the question of effectiveness has risen. Working process should be directed to the achievement of results determined by the management for the sake of the company development and prosperity. Only then organization and its various parts will really perform.

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Performance management: achieving results

Performance management is a relatively new conception to the field of management. It states that all company resources should be focused on one thing: achieving results, i.e. useful products and services for customers inside and outside the organization. It is due to be noted that performance management put focus on overall results and feedback about results, and development plans to improve results. Performance management should be applied not only to distinct employee but projects, products and services, group, department and the whole company. Work for result is the main idea of performance management. The employee should make his best and complete his tasks.

The best result of the company activity is increased profits and satisfied customers. To achieve such a result the company requires well-coordinated workflow where tasks are completed properly and rapidly. VIP Task Manager allows to control task and project performance and gives the manager to get tasks completed. There are several steps to get the best result:

Defining goals. The company management should determine goals and set standards for estimating how well the goals will be achieved. When goals are defined, the managers draw up plan and then assign tasks to employees to accomplish the plan.

Setting due dates. In order to explain the employee that there are no unnecessary tasks and to fight his laziness, each task should have due date. It helps to prevent procrastinations and check time needed for task performance.

Setting priorities. The more tasks are important, the higher priority they have. In VIP Task Manager you can use six task priorities: lowest, low, normal, high, highest and urgent. Setting priorities allows the employee to plan his future work and select tasks that are at first place to be competed.

Getting notifications. It is very important to make intermediate control of tasks. Being supervisor of a task, the manager can track task list progress by receiving notifications by email.

Building reports. Reporting is a significant part of working process because it contains all information concerning project (general information, history, notes). VIP Task Manager allows to build detailed reports in text or graph view.

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Task management software
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