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Procrastination reasons and solutions  

Procrastination reasons and solutions


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"Procrastination is the thief of time." - Edward Young (1683-1765)

Procrastination is a situation when an employee puts off or delays his tasks which need to be done to a later time. Employees who procrastinate usually deceive themselves by doing other tasks which are unnecessary or of no importance because in fact they just keep themselves busy and they would have no time to do the more challenging and important tasks . This is an act of keeping themselves busy so that they would have no time to do the more challenging and important tasks. In time, this becomes a bad habit that is difficult to get out of, and will negatively affect the standards of working process.

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When procrastinators try to explain their delays they usually adduce such reasons of procrastinations:

  • Difficulty. My tasks were too difficult and I could not even imagine how to get them completed.
  • Shortage of time. I have been assigned to the tasks last week and I couldn't perform them because my previous tasks weren't done yet. I am working hard.
  • Lack of knowledge or skills. My lasts tasks were quite in my competence but these tasks are out of it.
  • Focus. I cannot concentrate on my tasks because I am always interrupted by phone calls or my colleagues.
  • Fear. When I got my tasks I was frightened. There was a lot of work to perform the tasks.

And this is quite not full list of all reasons "why I procrastinated task". When manager notices procrastinations of tasks that he assigned to his subordinates he must take measures to prevent future procrastinations and delays. Otherwise business bears losses and management becomes inefficient.

Simple and effective way to overcome procrastinations is to provide company staff with software that allows managers to control the business process and track employees' procrastinations before they appear. Using VIP Task Manager, the manager can assign tasks to the subordinates, set due date, define estimated time, increase task priorities, etc.

Procrastination reasons and solutions

Setting deadlines.

When the manager creates a task in VIP Task Manager, he can set due dates, estimated time for task performing, task statuses (Urgent, High, Low), and other. The task can assign to one or several employees. In Task List view the employee can watch his "to do list" with all required fields displayed. If the task is overdue VIP Task Manager marks it with orange color and the task become procrastinated. This feature allows easy to see overdue tasks and the manager can increase priority to "Urgent" and leave some comment in the tasks.

Checking statuses.

1. Supervision.

While the task is being performed by the employee, the manager can get notifications by email and be aware of what the employee is focused on at the moment. In such a case the manager is assign supervisor.

2. Permissions.

VIP Task Manager allows to set permissions to tasks and groups. The manager can create group for the employee and insert task list. Using "Permission panel" the manager can allow the employee to edit tasks. So only the manager is able to create and delete tasks. At the same time the manager can have access to the employee's tasks and track task progress.

Getting reports.

Even if the manager does not have access to VIP Task Manager (e.g. he is away from the office) he can be aware of how tasks are performed. The manager can order his subordinate to send him reports. VIP Task Manager allows to build reports in text or graph view. When the report is built, the employee can save it on drive and send by email to manager's pocket PC. So the manager can track tasks and check if they are not procrastinated.

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