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VIP Task Manager |
CentriQS -15% OFF |
VIP Task Manager |
Project management business process is very complicated. There is a great number of different methods, plans, checklists and so on which describe how to manage projects successfully. There are different frameworks and standards that regulate project management business process and determine the conception of project management quality. On practice this process varies from company to company, from branch to branch and endures influence of various specific requirements. Irrefutable facts are that project should ensure the timely and cost-effective achievement of all goals, maintain acceptable standards of quality and attain for the company the benefits for which the investments in the project has been made. Project goals and all objectives that the project will cover should be clearly defined. |
Often specific project management groupware can facilitate project organization, planning and control. It is extremely important to determine project stages and steps, determine workflow, estimate tasks durations, prepare project schedule, prepare project budget and identify project process success criteria. VIP Task Manager is project management collaboration software that allows project managers to plan, track and analyze team members' tasks. Besides it is flexible project management groupwarethat provides users with customizable task attributes and workflow, so it can be easily adapted according to specific projects requirements. |
Extremely important part of any project is the team which was selected and prepared to work at this project. The team members should be appointed to clearly identified roles and responsibilities. VIP Task Manager is a project management groupware that provides flexible system of access permissions with which help team manager can specify roles and set rights for each team members. Once the objectives of the project have been identified and the ways how to meet these objectives have been defined, it is necessary to make work breakdown structure, to plan tasks and assign them to employees. |
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VIP Task Manager as project management collaboration software features modes of Task List, Task Tree and Scheduler (Calendar). Each of these modes is most convenient for particular purposes. For example Task Tree is convenient to use for project planning, when it is required to break tasks into different task groups according to project stages, departments, processes, etc. and build a hierarchy of task groups. VIP Task Manager allows planning tasks by various standard and custom attributes, it is possible to set task Start and End dates, Due date, estimated task duration, task recurrence and set task priorities (from lowest to urgent). If tasks should follow one by one, they can be placed in certain order. |
Owing to flexible system of e-mail and in-system notifications each team member will be immediately informed that new tasks were assigned to him/her. With a help of Task List view team members will clearly see what tasks, when and in what order they should execute. Very important capabilities for project management collaboration software are task tracking and progress monitoring. Each team members assigned with tasks can report about their performance. They are able to change task statuses (“In progress”,”Completed”, “Cancelled”, “Put on Hold” and so on), percents of completeness, attach files directly to tasks and use panels of notes and comments for quick reporting. VIP Task Manager is project management groupware that makes progress towards project targets visible and measurable. VIP Task Manager records each task's history (who, when and what changes applied to this task), registers dates when task was created, when it was started and completed, date when task was modified last time. VIP Task Manager helps to collect information about each task's actual time and cost. It is possible to create calculated custom fields with formulas. Team managers can periodically make printable reports to analyze team performance. They can export these reports into format of MS Excel and store on hard-drives or into format of HTML and post reports on company web-site. Besides VIP Task Manager is project management collaboration software that makes possible to build and print different charts (Pie diagram, Column diagram, Area diagram, etc.) that help to compare tasks performance indicators. For example estimated task time versus actual. |
Project management business process should be properly documented. Project management should establish quality control system which ensures high quality level of processes and work. When quality control is correctly applied, it can make a project team more effective, because it ensures that all resources involved into project meet quality requirements. For purposes of quality control project management quality tools can be used. Project management quality tools are software instruments that can help to control business processes, products and activities related to project successful progress. VIP Task Manager can be used as project management quality tool that helps quality manager to control project management business process, gather information about issues and report to company management. |
VIP Task Manager is easy to use, intuitive, user friendly and easy to deploy project management collaboration software. Multiple users can work simultaneously in one database via LAN or Internet. VIP Task Manager provides flexible interface with drug-and-drop panels. Users can customize program view according to their needs using flexible Filter panel and by grouping tasks by any attribute. VIP Task Manager is project management groupware that will help you to manage your team and make your company benefit from efficient collaboration between employees. |
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VIP Task Manager |