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Publishers software - Going through three stage of the publishing project  

Publishers software - Going through three stage of the publishing project


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Publishers software is a kind of task management solutions that creates a workflow to run publishing processes, publishing projects, and publishing tasks. It lets produce and disseminate information among people in a publishing company (a printing house). When information is available and full, the publishing process participants (authors, editors, writers, proofreaders, typesetters, etc.) can complete publishing tasks effectively by delivering the content to the final product (manuscripts). And software creates the ways to make the publishing workflow smooth, complete and comprehensive.

To understand how to run the traditional publishing process or publishing project, there're three main stages. Publishing company software will let go trough the stages and divide each stage into a series of publishing tasks. So the major stages of the traditional publishing process or publishing project show what editorial expertise and publishing tasks come into play at each stage. These stages are:

  • Development. This is a stage of the publishing process in which a project editor works with an author (a writer) to develop a concept into a manuscript. The stage usually includes a set of publishing tasks to write a proposal or an outline and a series of drafts. The author provides specifications for artworks to develop the manuscript. As a whole, the development stage involves the following publishing tasks: Acquisitions editing, Developmental editing, Technical editing, and Project editing. That software helps go through the stage by completing these publishing tasks step by step.
  • Manuscript Preparation and Design. The stage supposes that a group of editors (who are assigned by the project editor beforehand) prepares and designs the manuscript for production. The group aims at minimizing changes necessary later, because as many changes are to be done later as much time and efforts are spent on the next stages of the publishing project. Every editor checks other editor's work for consistency and accuracy. Publishing house software helps the editors to work as a joint team that successful completes such publishing tasks as Copyediting, Technical editing, Fact checking, and Project editing.
  • Production. This is the final stage of the publishing project in which the project editor oversees implementation of the plans laid in the two previous stages. This person checks if publishing tasks are done in accordance with the schedule and the budget of the publishing project. Proofreaders read and mark text of the manuscript, and typesetters make the corrections. Usually the production stage requires the following publishing tasks: Proofreading, Indexing and Production editing. Publishing house software helps the project editor to create the schedule and allocate the budget. Proofreaders and typesetters will use that program to review and do the publishing tasks.
Publishers software

To find a publishers software solution based on task management, you don't need to scan dozens of internet site, but just look at VIP Task Manager Pro. This package is perfect for designing workflows, managing publishing projects and processes, and tracking publishing tasks. Due to powerful task management functionality, the publishing company software efficiently organizes publishing tasks concerned online publishing, advertising, sales, magazine editing, etc.

The three major stages of the traditional publishing process (project) can be successfully completed by using the publishing house software (printing house software). You can assign project editors, typesetters, proofreaders and other staff to participate in the publishing project. The publishers software will help initiate, track and report the digital publishing project and result in more attractive publications.

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