Task Management Software

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Task force tools


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In business management the term 'task force' often stands for a group of employees who are assigned to do a number of temporary tasks and jobs within a project or a business workflow. To manage work efficiently, special software can be applied. Such software provides task force tools for managers. Todo management tools within that software solution explore the potential for a company to manage employees better. The goal of the task force tools is to develop and implement solutions to support management of employees in the company. These solutions will promote job management, employee orientation and collaboration of people, processes, and information across the company into a single and flexible activity management system . To achieve its goal, the task force program will allow managers to be deeply focused on business processes and to examine the real progress of events in order to coordinate each task and action of the workflow and its participants.

The main area of influence that the software embraces involves the following:

  • Business planning and scheduling
  • Business goals and requirements establishing
  • Workflow management and employee management
  • Activities analyzing and reporting

That program can create a collaborative environment where employees communicate with each other and managers track their performance in real-time mode. Then the costs of errors, misunderstandings and failures will be reduced as managers can quickly respond to occurred events and communicate with employees to get the workflow under control.

If you are looking for an effective task force solution and need to run transparent and manageable workflow, then you can try VIP Task Manager . Based on a simple and reliable design, the tools of VIP Task Manager let solve management dilemmas and problems by constantly adjusting the varying environment to the needs of your company. The task force system makes employee management more effective and safer. You will get the following benefits if using this application:

Task force tools
  • Real time collaboration based on client-server technology
  • Task planning, scheduling and reporting
  • Employee supervision through a task force tool that allows to assign supervisors to tasks of employees
  • Custom fields to apply performance indicators
  • Data storing on a dedicated server
  • Using the task force system for emailing tasks

The VIP Task Manager creates a corporate database where tasks, associated information, and short employee profiles are stored, and access to the database is protected by password. The list of tools of VIP Task Manager includes the following items:

  • Watch List that allows to assign task supervisors
  • Roles Panel and Permissions that allow to restrict or grant a user's access to folders and tasks in the company's database
  • Schedule view, Task Tree view, and Task List view are flexible task force tools that bring task management solutions

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Task management software
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