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Task spreadsheet software - team project and daily work management tool


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How to manage task spreadsheets
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How to manage task spreadsheets with VIP Task Manager Professional

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Electronic task spreadsheet is an essential tool to get simple and vivid representation of your working plan. It is the simplest and the most effective way to describe working process through listing works, jobs and recording their numerous attributes.

Since computers are broadly used in business, those tools are implemented into office environment to support daily workflow because displaying tasks is much more convenient than using paper worksheets. Task list spreadsheet consists of multiple cells that together make up a grid of rows and columns, so template can be easily built up with a help of some special software. One of the best products is MS Excel, however, this powerful tool is not real software as it should be customized a lot to have proper functionality, also it cannot be used by several users concurrently.

Task spreadsheet software - team project and daily work management tool

That free software is a product designed to be used for building and displaying electronic worksheets. Good example software is VIP Task Manager . This client-server tool is effective long-term and daily task spreadsheet manager that allows you to share spreadsheet among multiple team members. This product features agenda tracking and this means sharing interactive agenda that can be used by performers to report their achievements in details. Task tracking spreadsheet is what can be used by project manager to overview a whole multitude of project tasks/jobs to identify their current statuses.VIP Task Manager as effective task management spreadsheet provides every group member with individual client component with convenient interface and powerful toolset.

VIP task manager is powerful, but easy-to-use tool that works in several adjustable modes - daily agenda (Task List mode), tree-like task tracking (Task Tree mode), template management (Archive mode) and Calendar view. Every VIP task manager is dynamically created, so they are built according to certain parameters and in order to form, let's say, daily task spreadsheet, task records with today's target dates are retrieved from the database and represented on custom view with all necessary attributes etc. VIP task manager is versatile instrument of work management that can be read and edited by simultaneous users concurrently.

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