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What environment should prevail within effective team  

What environment should prevail within effective team


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First of all, environment within team should promote effective result-oriented work.

  • Atmosphere is generally free, pleasant and quiet, psychological pressure does not arise. Such working atmosphere stimulates team members to demonstrate activity and interest.
  • All team members actively take part in discussions. If during a discussion the topic will be somehow changed to another, always there will be a person who tactfully enough will return discussion to the business course.
  • At any stage team members freely discuss the objectives, task statements and agree work priorities.
  • Members of the team attentively consider ideas of each other. People are not afraid that others will consider them silly because of expressing their original opinion.
  • The various points of view are explained freely. Suggestions are not criticized and not rejected hurriedly, but consistently considered and improved. Team members give all-round discussion to the questions until the comprehensible decision is found.
  • The critical attitude to certain opinion or idea can be frequently demonstrated, but it is done openly and benevolently. The criticism is constructive and directed on overcoming of difficulties.
  • The opinion and ideas of all team members regarding certain questions is well-known among the team.
  • When the action plan being designed all tasks are allocated equally
  • The head of the team does not dominate over the team. Moreover, his/her role can decrease according to situation. Some of team members which are more competent in certain fields can inherit part of team leader's duties when it is required.
  • The team concerns critically to its activity. Whatever the situation is, team members always discuss the situation until the comprehensible decision will be found.
What environment should prevail within effective team
One of the most important factors of team working environment is the instruments which ensure team collaboration. Only computer-based collaboration systems can provide the proper speed, convenience, updating and customization capabilities. The good software solution created for these purposes should give the team leader possibility to delegate tasks and instructions to team members, set task time lines and priorities, create common work schedule, make work-break down structure and track work performance in real-time regime.

VIP Task Manager is easy-to-use task management groupware which allows multiple users access one database via LAN and Internet. It features:

  • Assigning tasks to team members, tracking task performance
  • Setting timelines and priorities for tasks
  • Management of small projects, daily tasks and business processes
  • Customizable task attributes and workflows
  • Real-time collaboration and document management
  • Instant e-mail and in-system notifications
  • Task Tree, Task List and Scheduler (Calendar) mode
  • Multiple projects, departments, sub-teams management
  • Access rights management

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