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Business process modeling  

Business process modeling


Business process modeling

Important: you should model only a business processes from a real life. If a business process exists only in your head, nobody would ever need it and you would waste your time on modeling it. Make sure you have a client who needs his business processes to be modeled and improved.

Select the right business process modeling software

If your business process is too complicated, the use of powerful business process modeling software is justified, while modeling a business process which contains few models with such a tool is like using a steam-hammer to crack nuts. What you need is a tool that provides necessary quality and minimizes expenses.

Make a list of business process models

Right from the start try to define how many models are optimal for business process and how detailed the models should be described. If business process modeling takes too much time, the client may refuse to continue the project, because detailed modeling of the business process "as it is" postpones the business result to uncertain term.

Apply standard approach to business process modeling

The most effective way to create a business process model is to let the client himself and its staff to describe the company business processes. In this case each model can be described by a different employee so a standard approach to business process model description should be introduced. Otherwise it will be hard to avoid confusion in terms and parameters and business analysts will have to specify the description which distracts staff from real-life business processes and takes more time then it was planned for job analysis.

Aim at business processes improvement

Business process modeling is meant for improving these processes. Describing a business process "as it is" will not help the company to accommodate changes it will face in future, while describing a business process "as it should be" will keep the business process up-to-date, reduce expenses or average execution time, make the company more competitive, etc.

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Automate business processes

Just regulations used for business process management can not help much in controlling and analyzing business processes. A well-described business process should be well-automated, so many companies use special BPM software to automate their processes. VIP Task Manager is used by small business companies to manage business processes and increase the discipline of people that take part in these processes by providing effective tools for both collaboration and control.


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