Overseas department overview
The overseas department is a company's division focused on the world market and engaged in the carrying out, supporting and control of foreign operations of the company. The overseas department supports foreign activities of the company and helps control the import/export operations. The employees of the department get in touch with customer and supplier to provide them with high quality services and perfect solution. The employees also negotiate with foreign partners to promote the company and find new opportunities at international markets. |

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Overseas department goals and business results
Through addressing global needs and promptly supplying solutions to satisfy customers, accumulating know-how experience and utilizing trading opportunities, the overseas department promotes the company's image and creates basis for corporate development and prosperity. The goals of the overseas department are as follows:
- Organize and manage activities of overseas branches of the company
- Create and maintain good company's image in international markets
- Promote the company and its products to foreign markets
- Establish favorable and long-term relationships with foreign partners
- Create and maintain competitive advantages of the company on global markets
The business results of the overseas department lie in increased company's revenue, strengthened partnership with foreign firms, better international reputation and more satisfied customers abroad.
Overseas department in company structure
The collaboration between the overseas department and other company's divisions is caused by necessity to run export/import operations, manage relationships with partners, promote products, etc. For instance, the overseas department collaborates with the law department of the company to resolve any legal matters in the field of international trade. Such documents as contracts, specifications, agreements, invoices, bills, etc. need to be properly drafted, so the legal department assists the overseas department in this field.
Software for managing tasks in overseas department
The complexity of the overseas department work requires a specific workflow management program which meets all requirements of the overseas practice. The overseas department management program includes the functionality allowing to manage tasks and activities of the department staff members and create conditions for workflow tracking and controlling. Such program as VIP Task Manager provides a set of capabilities to manage tasks and create department database.VIP Task Manager allows to arrange work of the department specialists by creating shipment schedules. The export/import operations can be supported by using effective tracking capabilities of the program, so the department head can always be aware of current operations. The collaboration between various divisions of the company can be built on Internet connection, so VIP Task Manager allows the overseas team to communicate with any company's unit abroad in effective manner. The advantages of VIP Task Manager can be summarized in the following list:
- Creation and assignment of to-do lists to overseas department staff members
- Creating schedules for product deliveries
- Tracking the tasks concerned shipping and dispatching
- Communicating with the employees through Internet connection and/or Local network
- Management of orders and customer requests
- Creation of custom fields to specify the department workflow
- Specifying Estimated time and Actual time for the tasks related to shipments
- Document and file management
- Task reporting and emailing
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- Overseas Department Staff
- Overseas department functions and workflow
- Negotiations and partnership management
- Export and import operations support
- Foreign branches management