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Sales Management


CentriQS Sales Management Solution

CentriQS database 'CRM for Sales' lets your sales force work with leads, opportunities, contacts, accounts, quotes, invoices, orders and other aspects of sales management and automation. CentriQS allows both storing customer data and analyzing it with help of Pivot grids, charts views and dashboards.

I. Sales Task Management: Strategy in Action with CentriQS

Sales Management Goal

There is no need to explain the importance of sales management and its role in any commercial organization. All companies in the world aim to sell more products and make more profit because expanding business in not possible without increasing sales volumes. However, when sales start to grow, companies understand that it is very hard to manage enlarged sales workflow as effectively as they did before.

Meanwhile, CentriQS software makes it easier for businesses to manage their sales activities and projects. CentriQS offers the "Entity" approach that allows creating sales-related custom entities in a single company database. For example, you can create such entities as "Orders", "Customers", "Suppliers", "Invoices", "Accounts Payable", "Accounts Receivable", and any other entities relating to sales management.

Actual Sales Management Challenges

Managing increased sales volumes is more difficult because sales management process becomes more complicated and sales department has to deal with all aspects of the process. Not only the number of sales tasks grows but also grows the number of regions, customers and products. It is almost impossible for salespersons to handle with sales grows without a special system for planning, tracking, analyzing, reporting, and controlling all aspects of sales activity, projects and tasks.

CentriQS addresses the actual challenges of sales management by providing businesses with powerful analytical tools for analyzing, measuring and monitoring sales-related activities and tasks. For example, you can use the Sales Analytics view to create pivot tables and build charts. Filters will help you focus on required sales data on your pivot tables. You can print out the table to create a paper report on your sales activities.

Effective Sales Management Solutions

A sales management system helps sales departments to organize selling process details, find potential bottlenecks, discover new opportunities and strategic advantages, save cost and time, etc. The system should provide clear vision of what salespersons did yesterday, what they are doing now and what they will do tomorrow. Many companies have already implemented sales project and task management on the basis of appropriate software. Now it's time to benchmark their best practice for all the rest organizations.

For example, in CentriQS software you can schedule tasks of salespeople, measure their performance, analyze current relationships with contractors, monitor issues of customers, etc. CentriQS lets you create a company dashboard for monitoring sales activities, so you will be able to disclose potential bottlenecks, reveal improvement opportunities and save cost and time.

II. Sales Task Management Software - VIP Task Manager

Sales project and task management software helps sales departments develop comprehensive, prioritized sales plans, track their completion and create real-time reports. Implementing a centralized sales data management leads to better understanding of sales tasks and how they rely on sales strategy, their priorities and status, new ways of sales growth and new sources of motivation from achieved results.

Download Sales Task Management Software to manage 3 stages of sales process:

Sales Planning

Unfortunately, when the business is growing, customers need more products, service and customization, this individual activity oriented approach can become a barrier for sales to grow because unfocused and uncoordinated activity decreases effectiveness. Your sales department must be reorganized, and sales people should specialize and co-operate each other as well as other departments of your company.

Sales Planning screenshot

Poor team sales management leads to loosing orders and customers so it is better to introduce a sales planning system as soon as possible. Appropriate software will help sales team leader to set sales goals which will motivate sales personnel (estimated sales volumes should grow steadily from period to period despite the seasonal variations of demand because decreasing estimated sales volumes discourages sales managers).

Sales Planning screenshot

After setting sales goals, salespersons" activities should be planned by regions, clients, channels, managers, products etc. Sales team leader or sales department head should choose volume and operational metrics to evaluate sales managers' effectiveness and to motivate them from achieved result.

Sales Planning screenshot

While planning it is important to consider market potential and structure, company's strength and weak's, customer relations history, etc. that's why sales planning software must be able to store all sales-related information and allow a flexible searching, filtering, grouping and showing statistics (i.e. flexible customer, task and order forms, calculated fields, tables, schedules and charts).

Sales Planning screenshot

It is a good practice to let sales managers describe how he or she will execute assigned sales tasks to check his or her motivation to get things done. So the software for sales planning should allow breaking a task down into to do items with possibility to set such parameters as time, resources and measured results. It enables tracking intermediate and final results, sales force effectiveness and sales plans accomplishment.

Sales Planning screenshot
Sales Tracking


Sales tracking is an integral part of sales management. Without tracking sales tasks it is hard to find out if everything goes right and estimated intermediate results are achieved in time and in the limits of expected resources.

If anything is out of expected range, you can analyze the details, talk to a sales manager responsible for this task and take corrective actions.

Software used for sales tracking should allow sales team leaders to control sales tasks completion by using reminders and notifications, highlighting overdue tasks, analyzing task history, etc.

If your sales task management system is really great (as VIP Task Manager) and duly implemented, you are informed about all details of your company"s sales process in real time and know who does what, when, and how.

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sales software


Sales Reporting

Reporting in sales management is important for many reasons. First of all, it is a great source for motivating sales managers, because awarding best managers without accurate and reliable sales reports is not objective.

Also, sales reports are made not only for internal use or top management. If other divisions" compensation plan depends on final results, it"s needed to present results of sales department"s work to other departments.

VIP Task Manager is sales lead software. screen shot

Finally, sales reports are required for investors, partners and government, so your sales management system should have advanced reporting capabilities to satisfy needs of different target audiences and help sales force to be more effective and make more sales.

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