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Employee daily work  

Employee daily work


Employee daily work includes a number of tasks and jobs a worker has to do in order to complete his/her assignments within one workday (8 hours). Almost any business company today uses various templates and checklists to create to-do lists, make assignments and schedule events. There are task management software examples that help managers to develop agendas and set up performance objectives. In this article we will talk on the key elements of a typical job plan template and how to share this template between workers. Also we’ll show you a good example of task management software that lets create sharable logs, schedules and reports.

 A job plan is a manager’s document that describes a set of planned tasks and jobs assigned to an employee for completion within one working shift. Managers often use task management software to make templates that simplify the development of logs and plans. A typical plan of employee daily work includes the following key components:

  • Task List. This component is a simple to-do list that shows daily tasks assigned to a staff member. For each worker you need to make a to-do list and specify tasks for completion. Do not forget to set priorities and urgency for tasks.
  • Schedule. This important component includes timeframes and durations of tasks defined in to-do lists. It is also called an schedule. You will need to define durations for individual tasks as well as the overall duration for the entire work.
  • Reporting Rules. A daily routine report is the third component of the plan. It shows the work done and also pending tasks. You need to set up reporting rules and define deadlines for submitting work summaries to senior management.

 You can use task management software to make the three components of your plan. Such software will also help you with task tracking.

 How to share agendas between your subordinates? Here is a checklist that helps you complete this activity:

  • Organize a group meeting to present your plan to employees.
  • Discuss the plan during the meeting to avoid any misunderstandings in the future.
  • Make emphasis on the most important and prioritized tasks listed in your agenda.
  • Review your schedule and point to key milestones and deadlines.
  • Discuss document reporting rules and set up deadlines for submitting reports.

Besides conducting staff meetings, you can use task management software that lets share tasks and track team performance. A great example of such software is CentriQS.

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CentriQS is a client-server program for task management and group collaboration. This computer program allows making to-do lists, schedules and reports to plan and track work. You can use the Tasks view to specify tasks in to-do lists, set priorities and make job assignments. In the Scheduler view you can develop job schedules and plan events.

CentriQS also allows planning complex projects and hierarchical to-do lists. It helps you develop templates, checklists and samples.  You can choose between several formats (RTF, Excel, XML, HTML). The software is available for free download and use during 30 days.


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