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Employee Evaluation Software  

Employee Evaluation Software


Employee Evaluation Process is necessary when you need to give an objective and fair judgment (appraisal) to some on-the-job performance and contribution into the corporate business success, so his/her employers can assign this worker to appropriate remuneration or offer him/her an appropriate opportunity for professional promotion. This process can be carried out via following the job evaluation scenario and with a help of Employee Evaluation Software that “hosts” such a plan. The point of such a plan is providing each employee with individual approach to controlling, measuring, and evaluating his/her performance, while the point is using it to collect essential data pieces and analyzing the performance through job evaluation metrics and other means. Let’s consider some features of that software:

  • Hosting – such a plan can be mapped out on a task tree, so it can be easily followed, updated and supervised. Such a package can provide its users with an electronic grid where users can store up a template for such a plan to overview its requirements, track progress landmarks and measure success throughout its flow;
  • Job sheets – this is a checklist of essential metrics, success factors or functional areas, where the worker(s) can be appointed to certain efficiency ratings, making these people objectively assessed through rating their capabilities by certain performance indicators (KPIs), professional traits & qualities, and other things making the professional value of each person impartially analyzed, summarized and evaluated;
  • Matrix – this is a kind of representation which means creating a table of different success factors (against a list of employees) so that a team of persons can be compared and scored one-by-one – the ratings of the best people will prevail over the minor ratings, and people matching some high success criteria can be considered for promotion; 
  • Database – it is a repository of information on how well and effective your employees are in carrying out their normal functions and tasks. Managers can resort to a help of the results of teamwork stored in such a database – information on productivity and quality. Using this information, the managers are able to retrieve consolidated reports that show them different layers of data.
  • Process – is a sequence (plan) of tasks that lead to obtaining an appraisal on every unit of manpower. Such a process should be followed in order to collect and interpret working information delivered from “the field”. With a help of this process, managers can start their efforts with a brief Employee Evaluation outline and then continue with a more profound investigation using different methods of assessment.

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Employee Evaluation Software

Alternative to Employee Evaluation software:

Alternative to using some special software for evaluating employees is using job management software products such as VIP Task Manager that is a client-server tool to be used for controlling your employees and their achievements through planning, assigning & tracking their tasks. It provides you with several major capabilities that can be used for this important HR practice:

  • Employee Evaluation Sheet – this program features Task List mode to outline and plan tasks of employees, so you can track statuses and progress over these tasks, along with some critical time and costs parameters. Also this Task List can work as a work-oriented grid that holds a big number of attributes to characterize performance of your employees;
  • Employee Evaluation Teamwork – this multiuser program features a capability of simultaneous collaboration, so multiple co-workers can concurrently access the shared employee evaluation database that is hosted on the corporate server to share their data;
  • Employee Evaluation Charts – with a help of VIP Task Manager you can analyze tasks in terms of their time and other parameters to depict and compare these indicators on special charts to define how well your employees carry out their functions – Bar diagram, Column diagram, Pie diagram, etc;

This easy-to-use software is an effective commercial solution that provides free services such as prompt e-mail and live-chat support, video and textual tutorials, and other helpful things. You can do download for free right now from this web-site.


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