Task Management Software

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Employee management software  

Employee management software


Employee management software allows you to maximize employee productivity and satisfaction while ensuring strong human resource management through effective decision making and quick problem solving. It is a suite of tools that provide your employees and managers with comprehensive functionality and managerial approval workflows integrated into a single dashboard that lets plan and review tasks and processes.

Using that share-ware is a great chance to avoid paper trails or time-consuming manual processes, because employees can easily enter and track their to-do lists, timesheets and schedules while managers can immediately review and approve job requests.

You're able to gain the following major benefits:

  • Improve staff productivity, satisfaction and retention through allowing your employees to perform their tasks and carry out daily duties in the real-time mode. Each of your employees can immediately communicate with colleagues and senior management to discuss issues and exchange feedback. Open source employee management software lets easily share and quickly access information stored in a centralized database.
  • Simplify paperwork and eliminate clutter through organizing flows of electronic documents, such as timesheets, expense reports, purchase orders, schedules, and more. Open source solutions will let associate documents with daily tasks of employees, making the working process more complete and giving more opportunities for reaching better personnel administration.
  • Improve management of human and material resources through using record making tools and measuring basic indicators of resource planning and consumption. Employee management software free shareware solutions allow creating performance indicators to measure the efficiency of resource allocation and designing Excel spreadsheets.
  • Ensure strong communication by sharing corporate policies, guidelines, job directories, resource assignments and so on. Desktop or web based shareware helps create and maintain a single work environment in which employees can work collaboratively, following prescribed instructions and guidelines.

Additionally, free software helps establish teamwork and improve employee collaboration through implementing powerful group calendaring capabilities, sharing schedules, and developing templates for each project activity. You can gain all the benefits of free download solutions by using VIP Task Manager.


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Employee management software

VIP Task Manager uses a client-server database platform to make interactions and collaboration between employees much easier and more efficient by allowing creating a centralized database and providing employees with instant access to tasks, projects and schedules over Internet and LAN. The software will be best for small- and mid-sized offices.


You can try VIP Task Manager for free – there is a 30-day freeware employee management software edition that you can download from this website. The freeware edition of VIP Task Manager has full-featured functionality, giving all the capabilities and tools for planning and managing human/material resources.


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