Task Management Software

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Employee management solution  

Employee management solution


Employee management solution is a software application that helps take care of your human resources so you get more time to take care of your business. If you think that managing employees is a challenge and you have to spend much time and effort on performing administrative responsibilities and tidying up vast amounts of paperwork, then obviously you should try that solution that allows you to efficiently plan your top HR priorities and monitor worker performance while following strategies.

 Employee management solution focuses on managing human resources giving you powerful tools to plan employee tasks and monitor performance. You can benefit from using the following process tools:

  • Task & Time Planner. Obviously, planning personnel tasks and working hours will be the most prioritized activities of effective HR management. Task & Time Planner allows you to create job schedules and timelines in which you can plan working hours and schedule activities. It lets you avoid many issues (like overwork, employee burnout, procrastination) because you can forecast future events and activities by creating effective plans.
  • Performance Measurer. This tool gives you administration and control allowing you to measure staff performance by using various indicators (like Output, Working Hours Spent). It lets you plan and monitor group performance. You can follow your own management style and create a set of performance indicators to see how your employees work.
  • Report Builder. Since you need to track tasks and monitor work results at the end of each day/week/month/quarter, Report Builder allows you to create reports and review summary information on tasks. This tool will be best for reporting techniques, reviewing progress of tasks, and even tracking efficiency of remote activities.

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Employee management solution

These key tools of that solution will let you keep your managerial activities always on top of efficiency. VIP Task Manager will give you the key tools of effective staff management. It is a software solution that allows planning tasks, scheduling working time, measuring team performance, and creating reports.


VIP Task Manager is more than just an employee management solution. It is complex software for planning human resources and managing projects. It lets you substitute employee management for PM. You can use the software to plan and manage employee management services within projects.



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