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Project management productivity solutions  

Project management productivity solutions


To get results in a timely manner your team needs to be productive. Project management productivity solutions help your team to crave for efficiency and productivity at workplace. They combine software tools that make it possible for team members to work collaboratively, share assignments, delegate tasks and communicate with each other.

Here is a small project checklist that can help your team to do tasks efficiently and be more productive:

  • Prioritize and take action. In your project there can be hundreds of tasks and jobs and without priorities it will be hard for the team to focus on important and urgent assignments. You can prioritize tasks, specify urgent assignments in to-do lists and focus your team on taking immediate actions once priorities are set.
  • Review daily goals. Goals can be changed on a daily basis so it is highly important to regularly modify descriptions of goals and focus your team on new tasks. With help of that software you can review daily goals, make amendments and change priorities in to-do lists. Your team will be enabled to receive and review status notifications on a regular basis.
  • Encourage collaboration. Collaboration is one of the key factors because teamwork can exist if team members can efficiently collaborate with each other and move towards achieving shared goals. By using project management productivity solutions you can create a collaborative working environment and provide your team with real-time tools for communication and data sharing.
  • Avoid multitasking. Focusing on several tasks at a time becomes one of the reasons for loss. Each member of your team should avoid multitasking and do only one task at a time. By means of those shareware tools your team can filter multiple tasks in to-do lists to find prioritized to-do items and focus on doing one task.

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Project management productivity solutions
  • Measure productivity. The best practices of project planning imply using metrics to review results of teamwork on a daily basis. By means of project management productivity tools you can create performance indicators and measures to evaluate daily teamwork and assess teamwork results.
  • Make daily reports. For achieving improvements it is important to review daily employee performance and teamwork results. Creating reports on measurements is the best way to keep track of teamwork.

This simple checklist outlines the basic steps for better project planning and productivity management. Each of the steps can be specified and new sub-steps can be added. The specificity of your team-based working environment will dictate what sub-steps are required and how to increase gains. With help of VIP Task Manager you can follow the checklist as well as plan your own ways for enhancing daily team performance and gaining improvements. VIP Task Manager is a team-based planning program that combines tools for managing tasks, scheduling time and measuring team productivity.


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